The 49-page indictment against Mr Trump was unsealed today is extraordinarily damning.

BBC » Mr Trump has been charged with 37 counts of unauthorised possession of classified material, obstruction of justice, concealing documents and making false statements to law enforcement.

NY Times » “On nearly every one of its 49 pages, the indictment revealed a shocking example of Mr. Trump’s indifferent attitude toward some of the country’s most sensitive secrets — and of his persistent willfulness in having his aides and lawyers do his bidding in stymying attempts by the government to get the records back.”

The Economist » “The allegations are stunning.”

Mother Jones » “A Mar-a-Lago bathroom outfitted with two chandeliers, over 30 boxes of documents, and a box of Kleenex deserves specific recognition, for it singularly captures the stunning idiocy of our former president.”

Last Updated on June 11, 2023