Mr Bryant, a self-described data nerd, started the Gun Violence Archive in 2013, having spotted a “big gap” in the availability and accuracy of up-to-date statistics. He sought to do something about it.

“When we got this thing started we thought this was going to just be five years, but we just kept growing and kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger,” Mr Bryant says.

So did American gun violence.

Between 2016 and 2021, the number of deaths from gun violence increased by 6,000, or almost 40%; the number of teens killed or injured by guns was up 47%; the number of children killed or injured by guns, was up 60%.

Tracking these gruesome statistics has taken a toll on Mr Bryant, who says he sleeps about six hours a night, going to bed at 05:00 and waking up at 11:00.

Last Updated on June 7, 2023