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Day: 13 June 2023

Magic and 5 tips for using misdirection

Master Class » It is important to note that misdirection is not mere distraction, pointing one way and performing an action while the audience looks away. Manipulation of that sort is not a trick—the audience knows exactly how the magician achieved the feat. The key to misdirection is that the audience is unaware of it, and feels that its attention was precisely where it wanted it to be throughout the performance—oftentimes studying the magician, looking for their sleight of hand.

h/t » Amber Mac

Saudi Arabia signs $5.6 Billion Electric Vehicle deal as it grows closer with China

Riyadh aims to collaborate, rather than compete, with Beijing, while ignoring the western’s concern over the two countries’ growing ties, as it looks to diversify its economy away from oil.

Tourism is a pillar of Saudi Vision 2030, and China ranks very high globally as a source of tourists.

Al Jazeera | Reuters | Al Jazeera | The Guardian

Al Monitor » “Saudi Arabia aims to diversify economic partnerships, decrease dependency on traditional allies, such as the United States, and sees China as a crucial market for oil exports,” Soliman told Al-Monitor. “Riyadh also seeks greater Chinese investment in non-oil sectors and expertise in infrastructure, technology, and renewable energy.”

How did Hitler rise to power? – or – How do fascists get democratically elected?

Ted-Ed » Decades after the fall of the Third Reich, it feels impossible to understand how Adolf Hitler, the tyrant who orchestrated one of the largest genocides in human history, could ever have risen to power in a democratic country. So how did it happen, and could it happen again? Alex Gendler and Anthony Hazard dive into the history and circumstances that allowed Hitler to become Führer of Germany.

Scientists beam solar power to Earth from space for 1st time ever

What could possibly go wrong? »

In a video from Caltech, Hajimiri, who led the Caltech that developed MAPLE, explained how the wireless transmission of energy through space is based on a quantum phenomenon called “interference.”

Interference arises due to the wave-like nature of light. When two light waves overlap, if they are in phase, the waves align, and the peaks of the waves meet and create a greater peak with a height that is the sum of the two original peaks. This is called constructive interference.

If, however, the waves of light are out of phase and overlap while misaligned, a peak may meet a trough in the wave, and both are canceled out, a process known as destructive interference.

EVs of all types are already displacing 1.5 million barrels of oil a day

Bloomberg »

The share of electric vehicles in sales of new passenger vehicles is set to more than double globally in the next few years — to 30% in 2026. Their penetration in some markets will be even higher, with EVs reaching 89% of sales in the Nordics, 52% in China and 42% in Europe. Our latest near-term EV sales outlook is brighter than what BNEF published last year, mostly due to policy changes in the US, where a major investment push sparked by the Inflation Reduction Act will help more than triple the share of EVs in new sales, to 28% by 2026.

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