
Tag: Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Sir Edmund Hillary’s son is challenging Everest climbers to assist the Nepalese people during the Covid pandemic

As Everest climbers return home from Nepal, Sir Edmund Hillary’s son, Peter Hillary, is inviting them to both celebrate their ascent, while also challenging them to give back to the Nepalese people, to assist during the Covid pandemic.

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Now, in these phenomenally challenging times in Nepal, with Covid numbers rising dramatically, with oxygen shortages and hospitals forced to turn people away to die, this is an immediate way climbers can truly give back to the country and the people they have climbed and shared their adventure with.

The Himalayan Trust, launched by Sir Edmund Hillary in 1960, is right now providing direct assistance with medical supplies to the Nepali people and the Sherpas in the Khumbu, through their long established hospitals and medical care facilities. But the challenges they are facing are immense and additional resources are needed.

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Travel as we knew it is unlikely to return in the same form. New adventure trends are emerging

(Source » Wikimedia)

Kevin Rushby, writing in The Guardian »

There has been a realisation – which has been coming for some time – that the type of adventure associated with far-flung destinations can be had closer to home, and at a fraction of the cost, in both money and carbon. For example, free-diving with sharks in the Irish Sea (Celtic Deep), cliff climbs in Wales (Climb Pembroke), and packrafting down whitewater rivers (Tirio and Secret Compass). The latest warnings about the risks of resuming holidays abroad too soon will encourage even more of us to look for adventure on our doorstep.

Interests established during the past year like birdwatching look set to do well, with many new trips available (Wildlife Worldwide, Yorkshire Coast and Nature and Naturetrek). Running, yoga, cycling and hiking, in various combinations, are the ingredients for women-only trips in the Brecon Beacons (Element Active).

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