Do What's Right.

Category: Accountability (Page 5 of 6)

Justice denied » Glen Assoun has died. He was 67 years old.

Glen Assoun in 2019. Credit » Tim Bousquet

Glen Assoun in 2019. Credit » Tim Bousquet

Tim Bousquet, Halifax Examiner »

Glen was discarded as a child, failed at every turn through his teenage years, and then as an adult framed by Halifax police for a murder he did not commit.

Who am I to judge Brenda and Glen’s relationship? A sex worker fighting a crack addiction involved with an uneducated, aimless alcoholic; no one would make a romcom out of this. But as I dove into their respective life stories, I saw through the stereotypes and found two distinctive, complex people, each in their way spirited and humorous, both righteous after a fashion. They found love — like everything else in their messed-up lives, it was a rocky, confused, sometimes ridiculous love, but love nonetheless. In each other, they found refuge from a community that was ignoring them when it wasn’t hating on them.

Glen was a broken man, broken emotionally and physically. And financially. He hadn’t held a paying job in 17 years, and in his condition, he was unemployable in any event. He couldn’t provide for himself. A preacher who had befriended Glen invited Glen to live in his apartment in one of those towers by the Mic Mac Mall. I visited once. Glen did not look good, and living off the charity of others was obviously adding to his burdens.

Meanwhile, all the people who had wronged Glen — the cops who framed him, the prosecutors and judge in the kangaroo court that convicted him, the cops who destroyed evidence that should have freed him, the prison guards who beat him, the prosecutor who made even his parole so onerous that it put him in the mental health ward, the former Justice minister who refused to act on his case — all and each of them continued to live in relative wealth and comfort, respected in their careers.

Justice? Don’t talk to me about justice.

Please take a moment to read Tim’s article and to spare a thought for Glen. May he rest easy now.

Michael Lockwood, the UK’s ex-police watchdog chief, charged with three offenses of raping teenage girl

Al Jazeera »

British prosecutors have authorised sexual offence charges against Michael Lockwood, the former director general of the Independent Office for Police Conduct, according to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).

The charges authorised on Friday against Lockwood are six counts of indecent assault and three offences of rape against a girl under the age of 16, the CPS said.

200+ Things Fox has labeled “woke”

Media Matters »

Fox personalities struggle to define “woke” because they have attributed the term to nearly everything under the sun, stripping it of any meaningful definition and surrendering it to right-wing dog whistles.

Media Matters put together a list of over 200 things Fox personalities, guests, and writers have called “woke.” Here are a few »

  • President Joe Biden
  • UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson
  • Women’s History Month
  • NY Times
  • The Olympics
  • Navy SEALs
  • M&M’s
  • My Little Pony
  • Muppets Babies
  • Ben & Jerry’s
  • Teachers and Teachers unions
  • Medical school
  • The Salvation Army
  • Notre Dame Cathedral
  • Justice Department
  • Victoria’s Secret
  • Valentine’s Day
  • Real estate websites
  • Kindergarten

Sadly, hasn’t made the list, yet.

Download the pdf list here.

Magic and 5 tips for using misdirection

Master Class » It is important to note that misdirection is not mere distraction, pointing one way and performing an action while the audience looks away. Manipulation of that sort is not a trick—the audience knows exactly how the magician achieved the feat. The key to misdirection is that the audience is unaware of it, and feels that its attention was precisely where it wanted it to be throughout the performance—oftentimes studying the magician, looking for their sleight of hand.

h/t » Amber Mac

How did Hitler rise to power? – or – How do fascists get democratically elected?

Ted-Ed » Decades after the fall of the Third Reich, it feels impossible to understand how Adolf Hitler, the tyrant who orchestrated one of the largest genocides in human history, could ever have risen to power in a democratic country. So how did it happen, and could it happen again? Alex Gendler and Anthony Hazard dive into the history and circumstances that allowed Hitler to become Führer of Germany.

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