Using data from the Copernicus Sentinel-5P mission, the image shows the average concentration of carbon monoxide for 1 May to 13 June. The extremely high concentrations, which are depicted in deep tones of orange, can be linked to active fires during the time. The image also shows how this air pollutant was carried as far as New York in the USA and over the Atlantic.

ESA » Using data from the Copernicus Sentinel-5P mission, the image shows the average concentration of carbon monoxide for 1 May to 13 June. The extremely high concentrations, which are depicted in deep tones of orange, can be linked to active fires during the time. The image also shows how this air pollutant was carried as far as New York in the USA and over the Atlantic.

The Economist » As of June 14th, the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre, a not-for-profit, estimated that a total area of 5.4m hectares had been set alight—roughly the size of Costa Rica. This makes 2023 so far the worst year for wildfire damage since 1995, when it was 7.5m hectares. The weather is partly to blame. May was the hottest since 1940. It was also seventh-driest. Such conditions desiccate vegetation and help fires start and spread. Although the absolute number of fires has been only slightly higher than normal, each fire has grown far larger than it usually would. The area ablaze in Quebec is 217 times greater, for example.