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Driver will soon be charged a hefty toll to drive into downtown Manhattan

The new toll beginning in spring 2024, is expected to be between US$9 and $23 per day for passenger vehicles. Commercial vehicles will be charged upon each entry and exit to the zone.

Regional planners believe the toll will nudge some drivers onto transit. The MTA plans to use the proceeds from congestion pricing to shore up its aging infrastructure.

Why New York Will Charge $23/Day To Drive Into Manhattan

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Deadly earthquakes strike northwestern Afghanistan, killing thousands

Local men rushed to search the rubble of collapsed houses in rural areas of Afghanistan’s Zindah Jan district in Herat Province following a series of earthquakes.

Deadly Earthquakes Strike Northwestern Afghanistan

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Powerful earthquakes kill thousands in western Afghanistan

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Does the new Google Pixel 8’s Magic Editor and Best Take weird you out, just a little?

It does me and it does David Lee of the very popular YouTube channel Dave2D.

Google Pixel 8 Pro - Early Thoughts!

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Abner Li from 9to5Google also brings up some interesting points in this piece.

I’m anxious to read the full reviews when the embargos lift on Thursday, and also to try it out for myself.

Venice is charging a €5 entry fee due to overtourism


Over the past three decades, Venice has become one of the most notable victims of overtourism. The city currently welcomes an estimated 30 million visitors per year, far above the 50,000 residents that actually call it home. And more than two thirds of visitors come just for the day.

This month, Venice’s municipal authorities announced plans to fight these issues with a controversial move: charging day trippers a €5 entrance fee. This will make Venice the first city in the world to charge visitors to enter its premises. News of the entry fee has sparked controversies, and with travellers eager to understand how the new measure will affect them, BBC Travel talks to authorities and locals to understand when it starts, who will have to pay and how people can visit the city in a more sustainable way.

More than 2,500 migrants died or went missing desperately attempting to cross the Mediterranean this year

According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, 2,500 migrants died or went missing in the Mediterranean between January 1 and September 24.

The U.N. refugee agency said Thursday that some 186,000 migrants and refugees arrived in southern Europe so far this year, the vast majority in Italy.

More than 11,600 children crossed to Italy without their parents or legal guardians between January and mid-September. Last year, about 7,200 unaccompanied or separated children made the crossing.

Le Monde | ReliefWebEuronewsDW | NPR | VoA »

Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley on 60 Minutes

“Look, I’m a soldier. I’ve been faithful and loyal to the Constitution of the United States for 44 and a half years, and my family and I have sacrificed greatly for this country, and my mother and father before them. And, you know, as much as these comments are directed at me, it’s also directed at the institution of the military, and there’s 2.1 million of us in uniform, and the American people can take it to the bank that all of us, every single one of us, from private to general, were loyal to that Constitution and will never turn our back on it, no matter what. No matter what the threats, no matter what the humiliation, no matter what.”

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley on CBS’ 60 Minutes

The mayor of Pontevedra, Spain is placing pedestrians first

For decades, throngs of cars clogged the cobblestone streets of Pontevedra’s downtown, making this seaside city on Spain’s northwestern tip a hard place to live. Smog, loud noise and narrow walkways drove young families away from a region struggling with a shrinking and aging population.

Family physician turned mayor Miguel Fernandez Lores managed to halt the bleeding by closing many streets to car traffic. Now Pontevedra is a model of success in a growing global movement that’s trying to reclaim streets for pedestrians.

Bloomberg »

This Spanish Mayor Is Putting Pedestrians First

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Russian oil accounts for about 40% of India’s crude imports

International Energy Agency (IEA) »

Russian oil export revenues surged by US$1.8 billion to US$17.1 billion in August, as higher prices more than offset lower shipments. Led by a decline in product shipments, total Russian oil exports eased by 150 kb/d last month, to 7.2 mb/d, 570 kb/d below a year-ago.

Shipments to China and India slumped to 3.9 mb/d from 4.7 mb/d in April and May but accounted for more than half the total volumes.

Who is financing the Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Russia is one of the world’s top three crude oil producers, vying for the top spot with Saudi Arabia and the United States. Russia relies heavily on revenues from oil and natural gas, which in 2021 made up 45% of Russia’s federal budget.

Russia was the world’s largest fossil fuels exporter in 2021.

Meanwhile, energy demand in India (and China) is growing rapidly with major implications for the global energy market and world security.

Reference »

Still Life

by Conner Griffith, 2022

Composed of over 1000 engravings from the 19th century, Still Life is a meditation on subject/object dualism. The film explores the idea that we live in a world of objects and a world of objects lives within us. Working with this encyclopedia of prints as a sort of language, a story of consciousness emerges.

Today is World Alzheimer’s Day

World Alzheimer’s Day is celebrated every year on 21 September.

World Alzheimer’s Day is important for creating awareness, empowering caregivers, promoting solidarity, fostering research, and advocating the patients. It is a day to show support, and improve the lives of Alzheimer’s patients and their families.

» Alzheimer Society of Canada

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