Do What's Right.

Day: 23 August 2023

Mothers who followed the Mediterranean diet while pregnant improved their children’s cognitive, social and emotional development at age 2 compared with children whose mothers did not follow the diet


“At year 2 the children’s brains are harvesting some of the benefits that they received in their adequate nutrition during their intrauterine life,” said Dr. Miguel Martínez-González, a professor of preventive medicine and public health at the University of Navarra in Pamplona, Spain, in an email. He was not involved in the study.

“No other dietary model possesses such an impressive accrual of scientific evidence as the traditional Mediterranean diet,” said Martínez-González, who is also an adjunct professor of nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston.

Forget about early retirement in the UK

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Britain’s eligible pension savers need to return to work, earn for longer and save more—otherwise they might find retirement less than stress free.

That’s the warning from Andy Briggs, chief executive of Phoenix Group, in conversation with Francine Lacqua on this week’s episode of In the City.

They discuss the plight of retired people over the age of 50 and how the UK pension system compares with those of other countries. Briggs, who is also the UK government’s aging society business champion, describes a grim future for people over age 50 who aren’t saving enough, as well as those seeking to retire early.

He says a recent study by Phoenix, a long-term savings and retirement business, shows that only one in seven people in the lowest UK earnings-band are saving enough to guarantee a decent standard of living in retirement.

Four out of 10 think they’re doing enough but aren’t, he says, calling the situation “really frightening.” “An awful lot of over-50 [people] have dropped out of the workplace through the pandemic. But an awful lot of them won’t have a decent grip on what their retirement income might be,” he says. “If only they knew then [that] for an awful lot of them, it’ll be a really good idea to get back into work.”

Briggs also argues that the UK pension sector is missing out on higher returns because it’s been forced to invest “conservatively.” There “are opportunities to take more risks in a very calculated and sensible way that will lead to better outcomes for customers,” he says.

Phoenix Group is one of nine insurers who have signed up to the Mansion House Compact, a deal through which the UK plans to redirect 5% of the British pension pot into startups. The government says the aim is to grow the average earner’s retirement benefit by at least £1,000 a year ($1,275) while giving the UK economy a boost. The key, says Briggs, is having a broad range of investments across sectors.

African Union suspends Niger’s membership until ‘the effective restoration of constitutional order’

AP »

The suspension announcement was the council’s first public communication since it met earlier this month to discuss Niger’s crisis. The body made up of foreign ministers called on the African Union’s other member nations and the international community to reject the “unconstitutional change of government and to refrain from any action likely to grant legitimacy to the illegal regime in Niger.”

A suspension means Nigerien representatives, from the head of state down, no longer can vote on AU proposals or participate in the organization’s committees or working groups. The council’s action was part of a standard playbook the AU and regional bodies have taken in response to coups elsewhere in Africa, Nate Allen, an associate professor at the Africa Center for Strategic Studies, said.

East African | Le Monde | DW | France 24 | BBC | VoA |

» Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)  has rejected a plan by Niger’s coup leaders to relinquish power within three years (RFI)

Channel News Asia | France 24

More than 500 civil society groups jointly called on the United Nations to cut ties with Myanmar’s junta

Al Jazeera »

In a joint statement shared by Progressive Voice, the 514 civil society groups acknowledged Griffiths’s post-visit call for “space for safe, sustained aid deliveries”, but said that could not be achieved by working with the military, which has been accused of preventing assistance from reaching those most in need, particularly as a result of the deepening conflict triggered by its coup.

“Principled humanitarian engagement must see OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) and other UN humanitarian agencies cut ties with the illegal criminal junta which is weaponizing aid and is the root cause of human suffering in Myanmar,” the civil society groups said.

VoA |

India becomes 4th country to make soft landing on lunar surface

The Hindu »

The Lander Module (LM) of the Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) third lunar mission Chandrayaan-3, launched on July 14, made a successfully landed on the Moon’s surface on August 23, making India only the fourth country after the erstwhile USSR, the U.S. and China to make a soft landing on the lunar surface.

With the successful landing, India also became the first country to land near the Moon’s south pole.

See moment India becomes 4th country to land on the moon

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Chinese President Xi Jinping failed to attend a business forum in South Africa where he was expected to deliver a speech defending China’s economy and its support for emerging markets

This seems is rather significant.

BRICS is Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

Bloomberg »

According to a public schedule, the Chinese leader was set to address the BRICS Business Forum on Tuesday, after meeting with South African President Cyril Ramaphosa earlier that day. Instead, delegates were greeted on stage by Commerce Minister Wang Wentao, who read the speech without giving an explanation for Xi’s absence.


Eye scans detect signs of Parkinson’s disease up to seven years before diagnosis


A team led by Siegfried Wagner and Pearse Keane of Moorfields Eye Hospital and UCL Institute of Ophthalmology (and spanning UCL institutions) has identified markers that indicate the presence of Parkinson’s disease in patients on average seven years before clinical presentation. This is the first time anyone has shown these findings several years before diagnosis, and these results were made possible by the largest study to date on retinal imaging in Parkinson’s disease.

The study, published today in Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, identified markers of Parkinson’s in eye scans with the help of artificial intelligence (AI).

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