Do What's Right.

Day: 3 August 2023

1 in 4 new cars sold in California last quarter were EVs

LA Times »

More than 25% of all new vehicles sold in the last quarter were EVs, according to the California Energy Commission, with sales for the three-month period totaling 125,939.

California has sold more than 1.6 million electric vehicles to date and accounts for 34% of all EV sales in the country, according to a market report by the nonprofit Veloz, which raises awareness about electric vehicles.

California leads the nation in promoting electric vehicle sales, having invested more than $5 billion to transition the state away from gas-powered vehicles.

Watch Mike Pence say Trump and ‘gaggle of crackpot lawyers’ asked him to overturn election

In an interview broadcasted on the right-wing Fox network, Former Vice President Mike Pence said Donald Trump personally asked him to “reject votes” on January 6.

Said Pence » “Let’s be clear on this point. It wasn’t that they asked for a pause. The president specifically asked me and his gaggle of crackpot lawyers asked me to literally reject votes which would have resulted in the issue of being turned over to the house of representatives.”

He added: “They asked me to reject votes, return votes, essentially to overturn the election.”

Mike Pence says Trump and ‘gaggle of crackpot lawyers’ asked him to overturn election

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More at » Axios | UPI | NY Times

This is why Donald J. Trump is indicted for Conspiring to Defraud the United States.

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Last Updated on August 5, 2023

Australians fight for the right to work from home permanently

Byron Kaye, Reuters »

“The genie’s out of the bottle: working from home is something that is staying well beyond COVID and the pandemic,” said Melissa Donnelly, the Community and Public Sector Union secretary who negotiated the Australian federal agreement.

The lack of a commute to and from work, the reduced need for heating and cooling separate spaces that are only temporarily occupied over the course of a day, would mean employees would also have a reduced carbon footprint.

The lack of a commute means less time spent in traffic congestions, which also translates to employees who are less stress and more productive.

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