Do What's Right.

Day: 4 July 2023

Though he lacks Alberta Premier Danielle Smith’s showmanship, New Brunswick’s Blaine Higgs has a hard-line conservative record to make right-wing ideologues giddy

The Conversation »

However, Higgs has gone further than his Conservative counterparts in the region. In doing so, he has burned many bridges.

His relationship with the health-care sector is fraught. Emergency rooms have overflowed at times with residents dying in waiting rooms.

When it was reported a woman was unable to get access to a rape kit, Higgs blamed the nurses for “showing a lack of compassion.” He has also limited abortion access within the province.

Higgs has an equally contentious relationship with Indigenous Peoples. In 2021, New Brunswick directed government employees to halt territorial acknowledgements because the province is involved in a series of legal actions and land claims initiated by First Nations.

The province also tore up tax-sharing agreements with the Wolastoqey Nation, which Higgs argued were “unfair.”

Mozilla upgraded Firefox to version 115.0

Mozilla »

  • » Migrating from another browser? Now you can bring over payment methods you’ve saved in Chrome-based browsers to Firefox.
  • » Hardware video decoding is now enabled for Intel GPUs on Linux.
  • » The Tab Manager dropdown now features close buttons, so you can close tabs more quickly.
  • » We’ve refreshed and streamlined the user interface for importing data in from other browsers.
  • » Users without platform support for H264 video decoding can now fallback to Cisco’s OpenH264 plugin for playback.

Last Updated on July 9, 2023

Climate » Monday, July 3, 2023 » World’s hottest day ever recorded [Updated]

Reuters »

Monday, July 3, was the hottest day ever recorded globally, according to data from the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction.

The average global temperature reached 17.01 degrees Celsius (62.62 Fahrenheit), surpassing the August 2016 record of 16.92C (62.46F) as heatwaves sizzled around the world.

The southern U.S. has been suffering under an intense heat dome in recent weeks. In China, an enduring heatwave continued, with temperatures above 35C (95F). North Africa has seen temperatures near 50C (122F).

BBC | The Hill | AFP via ScienceAlert | The Guardian | France 24

Meanwhile » June was UK’s hottest on record » The Guardian | VoA | France 24

Goodreads was the future of book reviews. Then Amazon bought it.

Washington Post »

Former employees said Amazon seemed happy to mine Goodreads for its user-generated data and otherwise let it limp along with limited resources. In Amazon’s more than 20-year history, the company has made dozens of acquisitions, and it is not unusual for it to try to cheaply acquire properties in markets that it wants to dominate, only to let them languish. Until recently, Amazon owned Book Depository and camera-enthusiast favorite DPReview, and it still operates discount marketplace Woot, collectibles website AbeBooks and movie database IMDb.

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