Do What's Right.

Day: 16 June 2023

To Be Frank

Frank Paine, a 73-year-old South Bay icon and humble local legend whose life orbits around a two-block stretch of beach.

Justice denied » Glen Assoun has died. He was 67 years old.

Glen Assoun in 2019. Credit » Tim Bousquet

Glen Assoun in 2019. Credit » Tim Bousquet

Tim Bousquet, Halifax Examiner »

Glen was discarded as a child, failed at every turn through his teenage years, and then as an adult framed by Halifax police for a murder he did not commit.

Who am I to judge Brenda and Glen’s relationship? A sex worker fighting a crack addiction involved with an uneducated, aimless alcoholic; no one would make a romcom out of this. But as I dove into their respective life stories, I saw through the stereotypes and found two distinctive, complex people, each in their way spirited and humorous, both righteous after a fashion. They found love — like everything else in their messed-up lives, it was a rocky, confused, sometimes ridiculous love, but love nonetheless. In each other, they found refuge from a community that was ignoring them when it wasn’t hating on them.

Glen was a broken man, broken emotionally and physically. And financially. He hadn’t held a paying job in 17 years, and in his condition, he was unemployable in any event. He couldn’t provide for himself. A preacher who had befriended Glen invited Glen to live in his apartment in one of those towers by the Mic Mac Mall. I visited once. Glen did not look good, and living off the charity of others was obviously adding to his burdens.

Meanwhile, all the people who had wronged Glen — the cops who framed him, the prosecutors and judge in the kangaroo court that convicted him, the cops who destroyed evidence that should have freed him, the prison guards who beat him, the prosecutor who made even his parole so onerous that it put him in the mental health ward, the former Justice minister who refused to act on his case — all and each of them continued to live in relative wealth and comfort, respected in their careers.

Justice? Don’t talk to me about justice.

Please take a moment to read Tim’s article and to spare a thought for Glen. May he rest easy now.

As productivity plunges, Ontario now has the same per-capita GDP as Alabama

Lower productivity almost always equals lower living standards.

The Hub »

Overall, the median household income in the U.S. is just under $71,000 per year. For Canada, it’s just over $78,000 Canadian dollars, which is equivalent to roughly $62,000 in equivalent purchasing power in the U.S. While this data is not entirely comparable, GDP per capita is strongly related to average incomes, even within Canada.

Per Capita GDP in 2022 in each US state and Canadian province.

Per Capita GDP in each US state and Canadian province in 2022,

How Indigenous education helped four lost children survive in the Amazon for 40 days after a plane crash

Positive News »

Even before starting elementary school, children in this area accompany their parents and elder relatives in various activities such as gardening, fishing, navigating rivers, hunting and gathering honey and wild fruits. In this way the children acquire practical skills and knowledge, such as those demonstrated by Lesly, Soleiny, Tien and Cristin during their 40-day ordeal.

Indigenous children typically learn from an early age how to open paths through dense vegetation, how to tell edible from non-edible fruits. They know how to find potable water, build rain shelters and set animal traps. They can identify animal footprints and scents – and avoid predators such as jaguars and snakes lurking in the woods.

Michael Lockwood, the UK’s ex-police watchdog chief, charged with three offenses of raping teenage girl

Al Jazeera »

British prosecutors have authorised sexual offence charges against Michael Lockwood, the former director general of the Independent Office for Police Conduct, according to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).

The charges authorised on Friday against Lockwood are six counts of indecent assault and three offences of rape against a girl under the age of 16, the CPS said.

Missiles fired at Kyiv as African delegation visits [Updated]

Am I stating the obvious again when I say the Russian leader does not want peace.

France 24 » The Ukrainian Air Force said it destroyed six Kinzhals, six Kalibr cruise missiles and two reconnaissance drones over Kyiv Friday. The chief of the Kyiv military administration Sergiy Popko said all were intercepted.

EuroNews | Al Jazeera | EA World |

NY Times » Explosions sounded in the Ukrainian capital as top African leaders visited the city on what they have billed as a peace initiative.


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