Do What's Right.

Day: 18 May 2023

The reason your dog loves your shoes

Mental Floss »

Puppies who gnaw on shoes are probably doing it because they’re teething and the soft rubber or leather feels pleasant. Because puppies find relief, they tend to make a habit of it.

For adult dogs, however, the motivation is more varied. For one thing, shoes are easily accessible. They’re usually found at ground level, making it easy for a dog to case the scene, grab the shoe, and sprint off. From there, shoes become a kind of sensory experience. They have their owner’s scent as well as smells that have been transported from walking in other areas. It’s kind of a dog travelogue, with the pet able to explore where someone has been. The more pungent, the better.

Dogs might fall asleep next to a shoe for the same olfactory reason. Because it smells familiar, it’s comforting.

In her upcoming book, Naomi Klein investigates ‘conspiracy theory culture’ that has shaken her life

The Guardian »

[Naomi] Klein, whose previous books include No Logo and The Shock Doctrine, said Doppelganger would “explore what it feels like to watch one’s identity slip away in the digital ether, an experience many more of us will have in the age of AI.

“Mostly, it’s an attempt to grapple with the wildness of right now – with conspiracy cultures surging and strange left-right alliances emerging and nobody seeming to be quite what they seem,” she continued. “Doppelganger is my attempt at a usable map of our moment in history but to make it, I had to get lost a few times.”

Also » Toronto Star | CTV | Naomi Klein

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