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Day: 16 May 2023

Sam Altman, ChatGPT creator and OpenAI CEO, urges US Senate for AI regulations

NY Times » The tech executive and lawmakers agreed that new A.I. systems must be regulated. Just how that would happen is not yet clear.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman: “If this technology goes wrong, it can go quite wrong.”

Stat News »

During an extraordinary hearing Tuesday, members of a Senate subcommittee called for aggressive regulation of generative AI tools — and the makers and users of the technologies themselves urged the senators to quickly follow through.

WHO warns » Untested AI-based tools could harm patients

Elsewhere » SecurityWeek / AxiosFrance 24 / The Guardian / The Guardian (video) / CBC (Video) / NPR / EuroNews / AP / DW /

Apple and Google working together to detect unwanted location trackers that may be following you around

Apple »

Apple and Google jointly submitted a proposed industry specification to help combat the misuse of Bluetooth location-tracking devices for unwanted tracking. The first-of-its-kind specification will allow Bluetooth location-tracking devices to be compatible with unauthorized tracking detection and alerts across iOS and Android platforms. Samsung, Tile, Chipolo, eufy Security, and Pebblebee have expressed support for the draft specification, which offers best practices and instructions for manufacturers, should they choose to build these capabilities into their products.

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Where in the world are men most likely to sit to pee?

YouGov »

Mexican men are the most likely of the countries surveyed to say the never sit down to wee, at 36%. Just 21% say they do so most or all of the time.

At the other end of the tables, it is German men who are the most likely to sit down to pee – 40% say they do so every time, and a further 22% do so most times. Only 10% say they never do.

UK companies embracing four-day work week

The world’s largest trial of a four-day working week has been taking place in the UK since last June with mostly positive results: Of the 61 firms that took part, 56 have stuck with the policy, with most noting a rise in productivity.

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