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Day: 10 April 2023

Melting snowpacks to unleash epic flooding in California [Updated]

Tom Philpott, Mother Jones » When all of that snow starts melting, we have a major challenge on our hands.

Also » MSNBC » A long-dormant lake has reappeared in California, bringing havoc along with it

Updated » 2023.04.16

The Guardian » California’s ‘big melt’ has begun and could bring perilous flooding with it

The snowpack contains enough water to fill downstream reservoirs ‘multiple times over’, which could mean a rapid runoff

Last Updated on April 16, 2023

Trickle-down economics has always been a scam

Jacobin »

A 2020 paper published by researchers at the London School of Economics entitled “The Economic Consequences of Major Tax Cuts for the Rich” looked at UK and US data from the 1980s and found that tax cuts for the rich had no statistical effect on economic growth. Another report, from the IMF of all places, found that “a rising income share of the top 20 percent results in lower growth,” and that a more effective strategy was to increase the income share of the bottom 20 percent (a “trickle-up” approach). The impact of tax cuts for the rich is clear.


Italy’s declining population

Births in 2022 fell below the 400,000 mark to 393,000.

Federica Pascale, writing in Euractive »

According to data from the National Institute of Statistics (Istat), as of 1 January 2023, there are about 58 million Italian residents, representing a 3% decrease compared to the previous year. In 2021, the trend was -3.5% and -6.7% in 2020, mainly attributable to the COVID-19 pandemic. The population decline is particularly pronounced in the south of the country (-6.3%).

The causes can be traced to an excess of deaths (713,000) over births (393,000) not offset by migration movements with foreign countries, Istat explains.

People over 65 account for 24.1% of the total population, and there are 22,000 over 100-year-olds, while the population of foreign citizens stands at about five million (+3.9% compared to 2022), residing mainly in the north.

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